Monday, June 3, 2013

Time is like Fire

A woman at the farmer's market in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island gave me a slip of paper with this sentence on it. Time is like fire. I spend a lot of time in this market the summer of 2011 working for my grandparent's samosa stand.

Usually people throw this stuff away, but of course, being the pack-rat I am, I kept it. For a while, I had it above my desk and it became one of those things you forget about and then some days it catches your eyes and makes you think again. Time is like fire. 

Most mornings, I try to either in my head say will power to get out of bed, or not even allow myself to question staying in it. It helps me to start my day and remind me of how powerful my thoughts are. If we want to do something all we have to do is set our minds to it. Part of that is timing.

We are always waiting for ourselves to take a step. We always think we have time later to do it, but time is like fire. Don't let it all burn up until you really have no time left.

This is going to sound cheesy, but it is true. The time is now.

That slip of paper is now in my Zine about how STJDMS.

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